Follow the steps below to ensure that your media player is able to establish a connection to EnGage.

Most connectivity issues can be resolved by rebooting the media player. A reboot allows the player to re-establish a connection to the network. If the issue persists, the fault-finding checklist below should be followed to find out where the cause of the connectivity issue lies: at the player, cable, or local network. Consult your IT admin and ComQi CSD if you are unsure how to carryout any of the following steps.

Confirm that the Site Network Settings assigned to the player are correct in EnGage:

Wired or Wireless

DHCP or static IP


If Wired connectivity:

Is the network cable connected to the player?

If not, that the ensure network cable is connected.


Are link lights seen on the player’s LAN port?

If not, the issue points to the local network or cable. Ask your IT admin to test the cable run.

Note: Some player models, such as the RP507, don’t have link lights


Reboot the player and watch the bootup checklist on screen. Does the player find an IP address?

If yes, and the player still does not connect online in EnGage, proceed to Connection Settings below.

If not, and static IP is used, proceed to Static IP below.

If not, and DHCP is used, perform an EnGage Connectivity Test.


 ***NEW -  Please note: ***NEW -  Please note: If this is a Love's site and the CTT is failing. Please have the tech run the CTT his on laptop (connected to Love's Wifi and with correct IP settings from Engage) to verify connectivity in case the player is replaced with a WiFi unit. As always, if you have any questions or are at all unsure, please ask in Slack

What are the results of the EnGage Connectivity Test?

If fail, the Issue points to the local network. Share the test results with your IT admin.

If pass, reconnect the network cable to the player and reboot the player. Allow the player 25 minutes to connect to EnGage.

If Wireless:

Is the antenna installed onto the player?

If not, ensure that the antenna is installed.

Have WiFi credentials been verified?

If not, ask your IT admin to verify the WiFi SSID, password, and encryption type (WPA, WEP, or Unsecure)

Have Wireless Network Settings been applied to the player?

If not, apply Wireless Network Settings to the player.

Ensure that the Site Network Settings are updated with the WiFi credentials and published to the player via EnGage as well.

Reboot the player and watch the bootup checklist on screen. Does the player find an IP address?

If yes, and the player still does not connect online in EnGage, proceed to Connection Settings below.

If not, and static IP is used, proceed to Static IP below.

If not, and DHCP is used, perform an EnGage Connectivity Test.


What are the results of the EnGage Connectivity Test?

If fail, the Issue points to the local network. Share the test results with your IT admin.

If pass, reconnect the network cable to the player and reboot the player. Allow the player 25 minutes to connect to EnGage.

If static IP:

Have static IP addresses been verified?

If not, ask your IT admin to provide the following addresses: 

IP: __.__.__.__

Subnet: __.__.__.__

Gateway: __.__.__.__

DNS Primary: __.__.__.__

DNS Alt: __.__.__.__

Have Static IP Network Settings been applied to the player?

If not, apply Static IP Settings to the player.

Ensure that the Site Network Settings are updated with the static IP addresses and published to the player via EnGage as well.

Reboot the player and watch the bootup checklist. Does the player find an IP address?

If yes, and the player still does not connect online in EnGage, proceed to Connection Settings below.

If not, perform an EnGage Connectivity Test.

Ensure that your laptop is connected to the static IP address during the connectivity test.

What are the results of the EnGage Connectivity Test?

If fail, the Issue points to the local network. Share the test results with your IT admin.

If pass, reconnect the network cable to the player and reboot the player. Allow the player 25 minutes to connect to EnGage.

Connection settings:

To which EnGage environment is the player supposed to connect?

If PRD, apply PRD Connection Settings to the player via USB Update.

If VAR, apply VAR Connection Settings to the player via USB Update.

If CL3, apply CL3 Connection Settings to the player via USB Update.

Reboot the player and watch the bootup checklist. Does the player find an IP address?

If yes, and the player still does not connect online in EnGage, allow the player 25 minutes to connect to EnGage.

If not, perform an EnGage Connectivity Test. Share the test results with your IT admin.