Campaigns Report Types

All Campaigns - Lists all Campaigns, the run dates, publish date, last change date, mode, weight, precedence and status.

All Campaigns – Audit Summary - Lists all Campaigns, status, number of running days, hits, content assets, number of sites and total play times per Campaign.

Single Campaign – Detail - Shows all the details for a selected Campaign, including run dates, brand tags, site and content selection.

Single Campaign – Summary - Lists all the audit logs for a selected Campaign over a selected date range. The audit logs are arranged by date, site, content asset, hits and play duration.

Campaign – Audit Summary (Grouped by Site) - Lists all the audit logs for a selected Campaign over a selected date range. The audit logs are grouped by site listing dates, content asset, hits and total play duration. Shows summaries of total days, distinct content assets, total hits and total play time.

Single Campaign – Audit Summary - (Grouped by Asset) Lists all the audit logs for a selected Campaign over a selected date range. The audit logs are grouped by content asset, listing dates, sites, hits and total play duration. Shows summaries of total days, number of sites, total hits and total play times.

Single Campaign – Audit Summary (Grouped by Date) - Lists all the audit logs for a selected Campaign over a selected date range. The audit logs are grouped by date and lists sites, content assets, hits and total play duration. Shows summaries of total sites, distinct content assets, total hits and total play time.

Single Campaign – Audit Summary (Grouped by Player) - Lists all the audit logs for a selected Campaign over a selected date range. The audit logs are grouped by player and lists date, content asset, hits and total play times. Shows summaries of total days, distinct content assets , total hits and total play time.

Single Campaign – Audit Detail (Date, Site) - Lists all the audit log details for a selected site, targeted by a selected Campaign. Shows every content play with play time and duration.