Server events are essentially actions that effect the screen's playback by something external like scanning a QR code.  Once such example is having a warning or informational piece of content go full-screen and interrupt programming in case of an emergency at a site/s by entering a custom URL in a browser to cause a reaction.

To begin, first identify which piece of content you would like to target and displaying using the server events.  Let's use an emergency flood warning jpg as an example.

Open your program editor and place the piece of content into the program, seen below as track 5, flash-flood warning.  Directly before the track, place a jump-track-command which will skip the emergency flash flood warning and continue with the loop starting from track 1 to track three as seen below.

The jump-to-track command is in the commands tab seen in the sub-task bar.  Drag that command into the program and click the gray gear to apply the settings seen below for zone index, target track and minimum wait.  The jump-to-track allows the program to hold the server event content within the program zone and not have it be played until actioned to do so.

Next, we have to program the sever event for this program.  

  1. Click the lightning bolt seen at the top of the program designer.  
  2. In the Events section, click to add a new server event.
  3. Select the event and click new command (green plus sign) within the Command List. Choose Jump To Track
  4. Click the Jump To track command and enter the parameters. Note the Zone Index as 0 and the Target track as the track location of the jpg flash flood file we placed within the program. The target track is the track location of whatever piece of content we want to interrupt the program and display on the screen.
  5. Next, click the paper and pencil icon to the right to set up a condition for this event.

6.   Choose the First and Second Argument fields the same as below.  For the second argument, next to the direct assignment, choose a key word that will be used to send an event, in this example we use simply "flood".  Click update and OK when complete.

The programming above will have content play in a specific zone.  To have content go full screen, edit your program by adding the restore zones to the program zone seen below.

Adjust the server events by clicking the lightning bolt.  Add  the Fullscreen Command to the command list for the same exact server event.  Edit the condition and zone index parameters as seen below.

Once the programming is set up. Be sure your player/site has the API enabled.  Do this, by clicking the site, Assignments tab, then edit Site Settings. Within Site Settings, click the advanced tab and select "Enable Player API".  Save and publish the new settings.

The last step is writing a URL that will placed in any device with a browser and internet connection.

The format is as follows: (File also attached for closer view)

Store this URL in an email or as a browser bookmark for easy access.  Once the URL is put in the browser, the sever event will be triggered changing the content on the screen.