EnGage and OnSite both offer various ways to monitor your network.

The EnGage Dashboard shows the status of the network. Each graph or widget can be moved around within the screen to create a customized view. Clicking on the legend of each widget will display the details of the data by taking you to the appropriate tab.

The Site Status view shows the current player health summary for the network. Clicking on the description of each warning or error will display the affected media players.

The Notifications system is used to send out messages when specific events occur within the system. An event could be "site added", "content deleted" or "player disconnected". Users can subscribe to notification events and receive notifications when that event occurs. Notifications can either be sent via email or shown on the EnGage Dashboard. A separate email/notification will be sent for every individual event that occurs. Notifications occur in real time, meaning that the moment a subscribed event occurs, the notification will be sent out.

You can monitor all of your media players from "above" via the Sites tab matrix view. This view shows you status indicators for things such as connectivity, hardware, and playback. You can assign a priority value to your sites and sort by priority. This view also offers screen capture and map view.

Individual media players can be monitored via the Site Overview tab. The Site Status section shows player health status, connection status, commission status, operational status, and panel status. Site Information displays details such as location and billing status. This view also offers screen capture and map view.

EnGage has a reporting engine used for creating and viewing Reports. Categories include: sites, players, operations, content, playlogs, and campaigns.

The OnSIte Dashboard shows the current state of a screen's scheduled playlist, and the media player's status. Each dashboard widget can be moved around within the screen to create a customized. The Dashboard contains the following widgets:

  • Scheduled Playback - Shows the published messages and media currently scheduled for playback.
  • Screen Capture - Shows a live screen capture of the media players within the selected site group.
  • Status - Shows the connection, panel, and download status of all the media players within the selected site group.
  • Approvals - Displays the messages that have been submitted for approval and their status (This widget will only be displayed if Approvals are enabled and configured)